NOTE: This is a tentative schedule and likely to change. I will make all changes here.
PDF texts available on desire2learn.
Tues. 1/13
In-Class Activities: Introductions
Thur. 1/15
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 1 – Ancient Rhetorics: Their Differences and the Differences They Make.” 1-25
Reading responses assignment description.
Reading response section 1 begins
In-Class Activities: Introduction to ancient rhetoric
Reading response assignment discussion
Tues. 1/20
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 2 – Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation: Seizing the Moment.” 37-51
In-Class Activities: Discussion of kairos and rhetorical situations
Thur. 1/22
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 3 – Achieving Stasis by Asking the Right Questions.” 56-79
In-Class Activities: Discussion of stasis theory
Tues. 1/27
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 5 – Logical Proof: Reasoning in Rhetoric.” 118-142
In-Class Activities: Discussion of logos
Thur. 1/29
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 6 – Ethical Proof: Arguments from Character.” 146-164
Podcast assignment description
“Voice Recording Release” (PDF).
In-Class Activities: Discussion of ethos
Podcast assignment discussion. Select your groups for podcast and website assignments.
Tues. 2/3
Due: Make sure to read the content of websites and to listen to the podcasts:
“Ethos in the Serving Industry” by Liz Bell, Tyler Burt, Olivia Hill, Heather Maxon, Emily McMahen, and Zach Scott, 2013. N.p. online publication.
“Ethos of Mechanical Engineering & English Majors” by LeeAnn Connelly, Jenny Crakes, Erica Goldman, Nicole Handley, Allisyn Mattice, and Shannon Roe-Buttler, 2013. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Ethos
Thur. 2/5
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 7 – Pathetic Proof: Passionate Appeals.” 170-188
In-Class Activities: Discussion of pathos
Tues. 2/10
Due: First podcast proposal (by class time)
Make sure to read the content of websites and to listen to the podcasts:
“Pathos in the LGBTQ and Ally Communities” by Wade Bowers, Sarah Hoag, Anna Myers, Christine Scales, and Bridget Waldron, 2013. N.p. online publication.
“Pathos in Comics and Erotica” by Claire Babala, Jocelyn Cutean, Katie Grimes, Darien Harris, Taylor Owens, and Christine Plummer, 2013. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of pathos
Thur. 2/12
Due: Tannen: “Chapter 1 – Fighting for Our Lives.” 3-27
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Audacity workshop. We will use the following links in class: “Audacity Audio Editing” by seeitdoit, 5 minutes 18 seconds and the “Audacity Edit Toolbar.”
Tues. 2/17
Due: Tannen: “Chapter 6 – Boys Will Be Boys: Gender and Opposition.” 166-207
Second podcast proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Thur. 2/19
Due: “A Womb with a View: Identifying the Culturally Iconic Fetal Image in Prenatal Ultrasound Provisions” by Rochelle Gregory, 2012. N.p. online publication.
“Super Mom in a Box” by Lindsey Harding, 2014. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Tues. 2/24
Due: Groups can start recording podcast interviews
Tannen: “Chapter 7 – What Other Ways Are There? Listening to Other Cultures.” 208-236
“Momma’s Memories and the New Equality” by Vershawn Ashanti Young, 2010. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Introduction to different cultural approaches to rhetoric
Thur. 2/26
Due: “A Literacy Event in African American Churches: The Sermon as a Community Text” by Beverly J. Moss, 2004. 137-159. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of African American rhetorics
Tues. 3/3
Due: Groups finish recording podcast interviews and begin editing
“‘Nah, We Straight’: Black Language and America’s First Black President” by H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman, 2012. 1-30. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of African American rhetorics
Thur. 3/5
Due: Reading response section 1 ends
“Rhetorics of Survivance: How American Indians Use Writing” by Malea Powell, 2002. 396-443. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Native American rhetorics
Fri. 3/6
Due: Reading Response 1 (by midnight)
Tues. 3/10
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- Spring break
Thur. 3/12
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- Spring break
Tues. 3/17
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- I will be at the Conference on College Composition and Communication
Thur. 3/19
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- I will be at the Conference on College Composition and Communication
Tues. 3/24
Due: Reading response section 2 begins
“Shooting Our Last Arrow: Developing a Rhetoric of Identity for Unenrolled American Indians” by Resa Crane Bizzaro, 2004. 61-74. (PDF)
"Tribes" This American Life Episode, 2013. Listen to "Act One: I Know I Am, But What Are You?" (22 min)
Website assignment description
In-Class Activities: Website assignment discussion.
Discussion of Native American rhetorics
Thur. 3/26
Due: Full Podcast Draft 1
In-Class Activities: Podcast Workshop
Tues. 3/31
Due: Podcast Draft 2
In-Class Activities: Podcast in-class presentations
Thur. 4/2
Due: “Forging a Mestiza Rhetoric: Mexican Women Journalists’ Role in the Construction of a National Identity” by Cristina Ramírez, 2009. 606-629. (PDF)
First website proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Latina/o rhetorics
Fri. 4/3
Due: Podcast Final Draft
Tues. 4/7
Due: “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory: Stock Story versus Counterstory Dialogue Concerning Alejandra’s ‘Fit’ in the Academy” by Aja Martinez, 2014. 33-55. (PDF)
Second website proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Latina/o rhetorics
Thur. 4/9
Due: “Engaging Nüquanzhuyi: The Making of Chinese Feminist Rhetoric” by Bo Wang, 2010. 385-405. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Asian/Asian American rhetorics
Tues. 4/14
Due: “Culture and Rhetorical Patterns: Mining the Rich Relations Between Aristotle’s Enthymeme and Example and India’s Nyaya Method” by Keith Lloyd, 2011. 76-105. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Asian/Asian American rhetorics
Thur. 4/16
Due: “Rhetorical Empathy in Dustin Lance Black’s 8: A Play on (Marriage) Words” by Lisa Blankenship, 2013. N.p. online publication.
Weebly workshop
In-Class Activities: Discussion of queer rhetorics
Learn how to use weebly to make your websites
Tues. 4/21
Due: “Queer Rhetoric and the Pleasures of the Archive” by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, 2012. N.p. online publication.
“Queered” by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, 2012. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of queer rhetorics
Reading response section 2 ends
Weds. 4/22
Due: Reading Response 2 (by midnight)
Thur. 4/23
Due: “Class Identity and the Politics of Dissent: The Culture of Argument in a Chicago Neighborhood Bar” by Julie Lindquist, 2004. 295-319. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of social class and rhetoric
Tues. 4/28
Due: Three Miles Episode of This American Life (59 minutes 47 seconds)
Website Draft 1 (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of social class and rhetoric
Website peer review
Thur. 4/30
Due: Website Draft 2
In-Class Activities: Website Presentations
Sat. 5/2
Due: Website Final Draft
PDF texts available on desire2learn.
Tues. 1/13
In-Class Activities: Introductions
Thur. 1/15
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 1 – Ancient Rhetorics: Their Differences and the Differences They Make.” 1-25
Reading responses assignment description.
Reading response section 1 begins
In-Class Activities: Introduction to ancient rhetoric
Reading response assignment discussion
Tues. 1/20
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 2 – Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation: Seizing the Moment.” 37-51
In-Class Activities: Discussion of kairos and rhetorical situations
Thur. 1/22
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 3 – Achieving Stasis by Asking the Right Questions.” 56-79
In-Class Activities: Discussion of stasis theory
Tues. 1/27
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 5 – Logical Proof: Reasoning in Rhetoric.” 118-142
In-Class Activities: Discussion of logos
Thur. 1/29
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 6 – Ethical Proof: Arguments from Character.” 146-164
Podcast assignment description
“Voice Recording Release” (PDF).
In-Class Activities: Discussion of ethos
Podcast assignment discussion. Select your groups for podcast and website assignments.
Tues. 2/3
Due: Make sure to read the content of websites and to listen to the podcasts:
“Ethos in the Serving Industry” by Liz Bell, Tyler Burt, Olivia Hill, Heather Maxon, Emily McMahen, and Zach Scott, 2013. N.p. online publication.
“Ethos of Mechanical Engineering & English Majors” by LeeAnn Connelly, Jenny Crakes, Erica Goldman, Nicole Handley, Allisyn Mattice, and Shannon Roe-Buttler, 2013. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Ethos
Thur. 2/5
Due: Crowley and Hawhee: “Chapter 7 – Pathetic Proof: Passionate Appeals.” 170-188
In-Class Activities: Discussion of pathos
Tues. 2/10
Due: First podcast proposal (by class time)
Make sure to read the content of websites and to listen to the podcasts:
“Pathos in the LGBTQ and Ally Communities” by Wade Bowers, Sarah Hoag, Anna Myers, Christine Scales, and Bridget Waldron, 2013. N.p. online publication.
“Pathos in Comics and Erotica” by Claire Babala, Jocelyn Cutean, Katie Grimes, Darien Harris, Taylor Owens, and Christine Plummer, 2013. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of pathos
Thur. 2/12
Due: Tannen: “Chapter 1 – Fighting for Our Lives.” 3-27
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Audacity workshop. We will use the following links in class: “Audacity Audio Editing” by seeitdoit, 5 minutes 18 seconds and the “Audacity Edit Toolbar.”
Tues. 2/17
Due: Tannen: “Chapter 6 – Boys Will Be Boys: Gender and Opposition.” 166-207
Second podcast proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Thur. 2/19
Due: “A Womb with a View: Identifying the Culturally Iconic Fetal Image in Prenatal Ultrasound Provisions” by Rochelle Gregory, 2012. N.p. online publication.
“Super Mom in a Box” by Lindsey Harding, 2014. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of gender and rhetoric
Tues. 2/24
Due: Groups can start recording podcast interviews
Tannen: “Chapter 7 – What Other Ways Are There? Listening to Other Cultures.” 208-236
“Momma’s Memories and the New Equality” by Vershawn Ashanti Young, 2010. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Introduction to different cultural approaches to rhetoric
Thur. 2/26
Due: “A Literacy Event in African American Churches: The Sermon as a Community Text” by Beverly J. Moss, 2004. 137-159. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of African American rhetorics
Tues. 3/3
Due: Groups finish recording podcast interviews and begin editing
“‘Nah, We Straight’: Black Language and America’s First Black President” by H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman, 2012. 1-30. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of African American rhetorics
Thur. 3/5
Due: Reading response section 1 ends
“Rhetorics of Survivance: How American Indians Use Writing” by Malea Powell, 2002. 396-443. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Native American rhetorics
Fri. 3/6
Due: Reading Response 1 (by midnight)
Tues. 3/10
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- Spring break
Thur. 3/12
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- Spring break
Tues. 3/17
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- I will be at the Conference on College Composition and Communication
Thur. 3/19
In-Class Activities: NO CLASS- I will be at the Conference on College Composition and Communication
Tues. 3/24
Due: Reading response section 2 begins
“Shooting Our Last Arrow: Developing a Rhetoric of Identity for Unenrolled American Indians” by Resa Crane Bizzaro, 2004. 61-74. (PDF)
"Tribes" This American Life Episode, 2013. Listen to "Act One: I Know I Am, But What Are You?" (22 min)
Website assignment description
In-Class Activities: Website assignment discussion.
Discussion of Native American rhetorics
Thur. 3/26
Due: Full Podcast Draft 1
In-Class Activities: Podcast Workshop
Tues. 3/31
Due: Podcast Draft 2
In-Class Activities: Podcast in-class presentations
Thur. 4/2
Due: “Forging a Mestiza Rhetoric: Mexican Women Journalists’ Role in the Construction of a National Identity” by Cristina Ramírez, 2009. 606-629. (PDF)
First website proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Latina/o rhetorics
Fri. 4/3
Due: Podcast Final Draft
Tues. 4/7
Due: “A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory: Stock Story versus Counterstory Dialogue Concerning Alejandra’s ‘Fit’ in the Academy” by Aja Martinez, 2014. 33-55. (PDF)
Second website proposal (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Latina/o rhetorics
Thur. 4/9
Due: “Engaging Nüquanzhuyi: The Making of Chinese Feminist Rhetoric” by Bo Wang, 2010. 385-405. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Asian/Asian American rhetorics
Tues. 4/14
Due: “Culture and Rhetorical Patterns: Mining the Rich Relations Between Aristotle’s Enthymeme and Example and India’s Nyaya Method” by Keith Lloyd, 2011. 76-105. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of Asian/Asian American rhetorics
Thur. 4/16
Due: “Rhetorical Empathy in Dustin Lance Black’s 8: A Play on (Marriage) Words” by Lisa Blankenship, 2013. N.p. online publication.
Weebly workshop
In-Class Activities: Discussion of queer rhetorics
Learn how to use weebly to make your websites
Tues. 4/21
Due: “Queer Rhetoric and the Pleasures of the Archive” by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, 2012. N.p. online publication.
“Queered” by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes, 2012. N.p. online publication.
In-Class Activities: Discussion of queer rhetorics
Reading response section 2 ends
Weds. 4/22
Due: Reading Response 2 (by midnight)
Thur. 4/23
Due: “Class Identity and the Politics of Dissent: The Culture of Argument in a Chicago Neighborhood Bar” by Julie Lindquist, 2004. 295-319. (PDF)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of social class and rhetoric
Tues. 4/28
Due: Three Miles Episode of This American Life (59 minutes 47 seconds)
Website Draft 1 (by class time)
In-Class Activities: Discussion of social class and rhetoric
Website peer review
Thur. 4/30
Due: Website Draft 2
In-Class Activities: Website Presentations
Sat. 5/2
Due: Website Final Draft